Karachi Chicken Biryani! How to make Chicken Biryani

Karachi Chicken Biryani: A Flavorful Pakistani Delight:

Karachi Chicken Biryani is a cherished dish hailing from Pakistan, explicitly the dynamic city of Karachi. This fragrant and mouth-watering rice dish has acquired prevalence overall for its rich flavors and tempting smell. In this article, we present a one of a kind and simple to-follow recipe for Karachi Chicken Biryani that will ship your taste buds to the core of Pakistani cooking.


 - 2 cups basmati rice 
- 500 grams chicken, cut into many pieces 
- 1 enormous onion, meagerly cut 
- 2 tomatoes, finely hacked 
- 3-4 green chilies, cut longwise 
- 1 tablespoon ginger-garlic glue 
- 1/2 cup plain yogurt 
- 1/4 cup slashed mint leaves 
- 1/4 cup cleaved coriander leaves 
- 1 teaspoon red bean stew powder 
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder 
- 1 teaspoon biryani masala powder 
- 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder 
- 4 cups water 
- 1/4 cup cooking oil or ghee 
- Salt to taste

Step No 1:

. Start by flushing the basmati rice under cool water until the water runs clear. This step helps eliminate abundance starch and guarantees soft, separate grains of rice. Absorb the rice water for around 30 minutes, which will help it cook uniformly and keep up with its surface. In the wake of dousing, channel the rice and put it away.

Step No 2:

 Heat oil or ghee in an enormous pot over medium intensity. Adding oil or ghee upgrades the flavors and keeps the rice from adhering to the pot. When the oil is warmed, add the meagerly cut onions and cook them until they become brilliant brown and caramelized. The caramelized onions will add a smidgen of pleasantness and profundity of flavor to the biryani. Put away 50% of the onions for decorating.

Step No 3:

In a similar pot, add the ginger-garlic glue and sauté it for about a moment until its scent is delivered. Ginger and garlic are key fixings in Pakistani cooking, adding an exceptional and fragrant flavor to the dish. Be mindful so as not to consume the glue, as it can turn unpleasant.

Step No 4:

 Presently, add the chicken parts of the pot and cook them until they are equitably sautéed. This step helps seal in the juices and adds a rich, exquisite flavor to the chicken. Ensure all sides of the chicken are cooked through prior to continuing to the subsequent stage.

Step No 5:

 Integrate the slashed tomatoes, green chilies, red stew powder, turmeric powder, and salt to the pot. The tomatoes will add a tart component to the biryani, while the green chilies and flavors will give a kick of intensity and profundity of flavor. Cook the combination until the tomatoes are delicate and the flavors are all around mixed.

Step No 6:

The supporting cast of tomatoes, green chilies, red bean stew powder, turmeric powder, and salt enters the scene. Add them to the pot and let the fixings blend and merge together. The tomatoes give a tart brilliance, while the green chilies add an unobtrusive kick of intensity. The mix of flavors carries profundity and intricacy to the dish, making an ensemble of flavors that will please your taste buds.

Step No 7:

 In a different bowl, whisk the plain yogurt until it becomes smooth and velvety. The option of yogurt not just adds a smooth surface to the biryani yet in addition assists with softening the chicken. Empty the yogurt into the pot and give everything a decent mix, guaranteeing that the chicken and flavors are completely covered. The yogurt goes about as a flavor enhancer, orchestrating the different components of the dish.

Step No 8:

 As the aroma of the biryani fills the air, it's time to introduce the fresh herbs and spice powders. Add the chopped mint leaves, coriander leaves, biryani masala powder, and garam masala powder to the pot. These fragrant ingredients bring a burst of freshness and a tantalizing complexity to the dish. Stir everything together, allowing the flavors to mingle and intensify. 

Step No 9:

 Now, it's time for the rice to take center stage. Gently add the soaked and drained basmati rice to the pot, taking care not to break the grains. The rice eagerly absorbs the flavors of the chicken and spices, becoming infused with the aromatic essence. As you mix the rice with the chicken, each grain becomes a vessel of flavor, promising a delightful experience with every bite.

Step No 10:

Empty water into the pot, ensuring that it liberally covers the rice and chicken. The water goes about as the director of this culinary orchestra, uniting every one of the fixings as a unified whole. As the pot comes to a delicate heat up, the flavors merge together, making an ensemble of taste that is both consoling and captivating.

Step No 11:

Lessen the intensity to low, cover the pot with a firmly fitting top, and let the biryani stew away. This delicate cooking process permits the rice to retain the flavors while keeping up with its trustworthiness. The fragrance that fills your kitchen is a demonstration of the enchanted occurring inside the pot.

Step No 12:

After around 15-20 minutes, the biryani is fit to be disclosed. Eliminate the pot from the intensity and let it rest for a couple of moments. This resting period permits the flavors to completely create and the rice to settle, bringing about a dish that is overflowing with taste and surface.

Step No 13:

Gently fluff the rice with a fork, separating the grains and ensuring that they are evenly mixed with the chicken and spices. The sight of the fluffy rice, speckled with tender chicken and vibrant herbs, is a feast for the eyes.

Step No 14:

 To add a final touch of elegance, garnish the Karachi Chicken Biryani with the reserved caramelized onions. The golden strands of onions bring a touch of sweetness and visual appeal to the dish. For an extra burst of flavor, consider sprinkling some fried cashews and raisins on top. The crunch of the cashews and the burst of sweetness from the raisins add a delightful surprise with every bite.

Step No 15:

 Now, it's time to gather your loved ones and serve the Karachi Chicken Biryani with pride. The fragrant steam rises from the pot, filling the room with anticipation. As you scoop the biryani onto plates, the colors, flavors, and aromas come together in a tantalizing symphony. Pair it with a refreshing raita or a side salad to balance the richness of the biryani.


Karachi Chicken Biryani is not just a dish; it's a culinary experience that captures the essence of Pakistani cuisine. The combination of fragrant basmati rice, tender chicken, and a symphony of spices creates a symphony of flavors that will transport you to the bustling streets of Karachi. By following this unique and easy-to-follow recipe, you can recreate the magic of this beloved dish in your own kitchen. As you prepare this Karachi Chicken Biryani, the tantalizing aroma will fill your home, building anticipation for the moment when you take your first bite.

 The tender chicken infused with spices, combined with the perfectly cooked rice, will leave you craving for more. The garnish of caramelized onions adds a touch of sweetness, while the optional fried cashews and raisins provide a delightful crunch.

Whether you're a carefully prepared cook or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe is intended to be congenial and simple to execute. Each step is painstakingly spread out to guarantee that you accomplish the ideal harmony between flavors and surfaces. The outcome is a biryani that fulfills your taste buds as well as brings a feeling of achievement and pride in making a real Pakistani dish.

In this way, accumulate the fixings, adhere to the directions, and set out on a culinary excursion to Karachi. Welcome your loved ones to go along with you in relishing the kinds of this notorious dish. Let the Karachi Chicken Biryani be the focal point of a paramount feast, where you can share stories and make enduring recollections.

Eventually, this Karachi Chicken Biryani is something beyond a recipe. It's an impression of the dynamic Pakistani culture, the glow of its kin, and the affection and energy they immerse their food. Thus, embrace the flavors, partake in the experience, and let this dish transport you to the core of Pakistan.